How to Sew a T-shirt – WithWendy
Watch Wendy sew this nice basic t-shirt using cotton knit fabric and an existing t-shirt for a pattern. Wendy also shows how the same steps to construct the t-shirt can be modified to create a different fit across different bodies.

Knit Fabrics at FabricMart
More t-shirt sewing tutorials:
How to Pattern and Sew Your Favorite T-shirt with MimiG:
Sew a Simple T-Shirt Dress with Cheri Heaton and Martha Stewart
Cheri Heaton, author of the blog “I am Momma Hear Me Roar,” sews a sweet and comfortable girls’ dress from recycled t-shirts.
PDF Sewing Pattern for T-shirts and Dresses for Spring and Summer:

Sewing Tutorials at SWN:

Online T-shirt Sewing Classes:

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