Nine of the best free sewing tutorials for sewing notebooks, journals and simple book covers. Find the method, style and skill level you want from this free sewing video series we have curated for you. Simply hit the play button to watch the the first video within the series, scroll through the playlist for more titles or simply let the series play each title automatically from 1 – 9 while you sew. This is a nice playlist to bookmark and/or share to watch later in your sewing space. These videos cover book styles such as notebook, spiral-bound books, journals, etc. Some with extra pockets, and other projects can be accomplished by a beginner sewer. If you like a quilted book cover, there are a few projects within this free video series for you as well. These fabric book covers are very nice gifts that are easy to customize and fun to sew. Enjoy!
Composition Journal Cover Pattern from: Indygo Junction
Notebook cover sewing projects featured at SWN:
Journals by Kendra Wright
Journal Cover Sewing Project by Jennifer
Notepad Organizers Sewing Project by Karen