Evelyn Wood shares five methods for tracing sewing patterns to create your own copies while keeping your original sewing patterns and sizes intact and uncut. Extra time is needed to trace your pattern pieces, but there are some very good reasons to trace your pattern rather than cut into it. Pattern tracing lets you to maintain the original pattern pieces. Tracing allows sewers to use a pattern more than once and in more than one size. Tracing the sewing pattern lets you to keep the printed pattern intact in case you need to make any fitting adjustments. Pattern wear is another reason to trace your patterns. Tracing allows you to have the other sizes available for future use. Whatever your reason, you will be glad you traced your pattern(s) to keep and use over and over.
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Join Evelyn @ Vintage Sewing School https://www.vintagesewingschool.com
Looking for new sewing patterns? Find them here! Browse the hand-picked selection of sewing patterns from popular independent pattern designers at FabricMart. From basic designs to cutting-edge pieces, there is something for every style and taste. Each pattern company has their own size requirements. Refer to each pattern for specific measurements.
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