There are specialized needles for most types of machines and fabrics, and many different sizes and purposes. The information found printed on the packaging the needles are displayed in tells us just about everything we need to know, but do you know what it means? Classification, brand, needle type and size. Laura Coia from Sew Very Easy decodes it all for us!

Image by Céline Martin from Pixabay
Watch now:
Schmetz offers a free guide to needles here!
For all general sewing of most woven and knit materials. For use in all household sewing machine brands and types for which needles with a flat shank are required. 100 needles per box.
Which size sewing machine needle do you use for what fabric types? Learn how to figure it out:
Also see:
A Sewing Needle Organizer Project by Karen:
Karen designed herself a sewing needle organizer to store packets of new sewing machine needles, and partially used needles, in a way that easily displayed what type, size and purpose of the needles. We have created a PDF from our community archive for you to print at home, and have made it available to download free right here!